Brown sauce.
A malt vinegar base with fruity extracts and seasonings.
Its best drizzled over potatos or squeezed on a sausage roll.
Apparantly I have discovered the generic HP.
It did taste a lot like steak sauce to me.
Steak sauce?
Yeah, steak sauce?
My friends look repulsed.
Brown sauce and steak apparantly don't belong in the same sentence, let alone anywhere along your gastro-intestinal tract at any singular point in time. A slap on my wrist.
I took a pack home to admire and contemplate.
A simple sauce with a simple name.
I wondered why ketchup shouldn't be called red sauce, and mustard yellow.
But then its simply not like the Brits to be so simplistic in their etymology.
HP, invented by a grocer in Nottingham in 1896, is far more suitable - it tells a story.
The humbled patent holder, Fredrick Gibson Garton, named what would soon become the sauce of all sauces after the House of Parliament where he learned it was being served.
I think GG Sauce might have stuck just as well.
But who am I to say. I'm off this sauce.