Thursday, November 8, 2007

11.08 ADLs

Activities of Daily Living (ADLs). They are physical tasks that keep old people fit.

Take, for example, carrying the groceries. For a post-menopausal granny, this could help keep the triceps toned and the bone density in check.

Gardening is another. It keeps the joints limber and is a serious springtime calorie burner.

I have begun to rely on ADL's myself. How do I explain myself? Only recently I was logging 80k/week on runs, cycling nearly half that distance, and bone building with weights in the meantime.

Either I've grown lazy or otherwise I am old enough to begin to count these random exertions as exercise. Both possibilities worry me.

In any event, at least I have these ADL's or I wouldn't come close to Canada's Physical Activity guide standards. It's a shame for a kin graduate.

I caught a glimpse of my exercise equipment in this shot. A combination of cycling and stair climbing are getting my heart rate up and keeping my calves strapped. I use the bike I solely for commuting at the moment - with barely enough time for leisure rides it is a true ADL. As for the stair climbing, you're looking at the first leg of several flights to the attic where my room is.

Those are some serious METs for a granny workout right there, wouldn't you say?