Tuesday, November 20, 2007


I walked in the front door and nearly fell head over heels in love.
Not that kind of love.

The kind of love your mother imparts by post over land and sea just to make sure you're okay. The sorta love your sister sends from across the Atlantic just to remind you that you're not too old to celebrate your birthday with colourful plastic shades on.

I opened the door to nearly trip over two parcels - special deliveries from overseas. I was expecting the package from my parents but the post from Clair was a surprise. The contents of both were beyond me. When I tore through the tape I found all sorts of goodies including a combined total of 14 chocolate bars.

Enough to keep this egg soldier fed for a while.

The unwrapping and unravelling was like a cross between an early birthday party and Chrstimas morning. I shamelessly tore open the packages. Gleeful, Elated. Loved.