Sunday, March 8, 2009


...I found Paul in my bed. With Kat and Ben.
Right. Of course - the cheese. We had crashed out after mountains of Edam washed down with Malbec.

I had heard about cheese dreams - the wild and wacky mental state brought on by eating too much before bed. But I didn't expect my dreams would in fact be about cheese.

But I woke up with an epiphany, rolled over and asked Paul, 'Why did the Aged Cheddar cross the road?'

He looked weary and confused so I just told him.

'It was so old it Camembert why.'

(*overwhelming laughter, knee slapping and applause. I take a bow. Thank you. I must still be dreaming*)

The cheese had a different effect on Paul. Or perhaps it was my cheese dream. But he found himself endowed with superhuman powers, the Wizard of Wensleydale perhaps? I'm not sure. But he could churn a mean Manchego with that look in his eye and a swift wave of his imaginary wand.