Tuesday, March 31, 2009


The G20 Summit is due to take place this week in London. Protests are scheduled at the Bank of England around the corner from my workplace. I had a stroll in that direction over my lunch break and came across this notice that a restaurant will be closed on the day of protests.

It seems much of the Bank area will take a furlough during the protests, with the possibility of violence imminent. I do wonder just how agressive people will be, what damage will be caused and exactly what the outcome will be. While I do believe it is important to vocalize our opinions and exercise democracy, I wonder just how effective the act of mass protesting is in terms of changing or swaying policy. The world leaders attendin the summit surely have detailed agendas set forth, are already fully aware of the general consensus on the economic issues in their representative nation states and will forge ahead with whatever plans they had for reform - regardless of the flailing angry unemployed or sympathetic mob outside the building walls. We'll see.