I deferred my MA dissertation last year, so that I could take up a job in the city. Finally, I found a Sunday free, and devoted it entirely to dissertationing.
It happens that the last time I was photo journaling, in 2005-2006, I was also completing a master's; it was a journal filled with photos of research articles, computer screens, text books and odd objects around my flat, where I spent all too much time thesising. It was this factor, above all, that made me appreciate the simple things; or drove me outdoors in freezing temps just to find something worth taking a photo of.
Today wasn't freezing; nor was there nothing better to do than write a paper on last year's news regarding health care access for asylum seekers...but today was one of those indoor days. It was the first day since I've been in the UK that I rejected all opportunities to get out the door, sat idle in my pyjamas but for the tapping typing away of my fingers, and wrote. And wrote and wrote and wrote until I had nearly 8,000 words on paper.
Dissertationing my day away.