After an awkward exchange of 'I know you. You know me. I know that you know that I know you' glances we exchange names and histories and realise that we met last fall at a house party in Wandsworth. Coincidentally I have plans to attend a party at this same house tonight.
'I know you' looks at his girlfriend 'You know her' and decides it would be interesting to send an anonymous message to his flatmate, who will also be at the party, with me. All I know about his flatmate is that his name is Ollie and he's tall. The note tells little more than this.
The party is a fancy dress. I hate fancy dress. The theme is 'Tube Stations'. I'm thinking I'll go as as 'Canada Water', (which is on the Jubilee line, if I'm not mistaken); but I have little motivation to rustle up a costume. I've got the Canada part down - thats easy. But how do I become water? I thought of dressing as a snow(wo)man -after all, the water in Canada is surely frozen this time of year.
I always wanted to be a post(wo)man. I finally have an opportunity to fulfill my dream of delivering through rain or sleet or snow or hail. Alas, I failed in my task as I was caught up in a cosy pub with friends in soho and without costume and never made it along to the party.
It's a populous city, but chances are I'll bump into Tall Ollie and his flatmate and his flatmate's girlfriend down the road and have a second chance at playing carrier pigeon then...