It's Maddy's birthday. We started the night over some stand-up in picadilly, where, in my opinion, the line of the night was: 'Ever since Bush stepped down, even plane crashes have gotten better.'
After a good laugh, we scurried along to a nearby restaurant for a late-night bite. It was great to meet some of her friends, whom I've heard so much of; but it was especially good to finally meet some of her family.
Maddy's family are Gibraltarian. There is a strong link between this little rock and the the rock my parents call home. During WWII Malta and Gibraltar were strongholds - key logistical ports for transporting goods between the allied countries. Supplies were often shipped between Cairo, to Malta to Gibraltar on to the UK and the continent, and could explain why Maddy's father has neighbours who are Galeas and Caruanas and Micallefs.
Her parents are a quirky couple and so very kind. I could tell her father had a fiery spirit with a political charge, a characteristic I find common to people are who come from small nations; he explained it by his Spanish blood. That probably makes better sense. Her mother is colourful, in trendy, thick rimmed glasses and a beaded necklace. She smiled a lot and appeared so pleased to meet Maddy's friends and I. Her sister, Ana was engaged only last night and came out with her soon-to-be groom. She has so much in common with my own sister that she felt immediately familiar to me. She works in the television industry, formerly a freelance producer, now directing documentaries and film. I think if I sat her in a room with Clair we'd never stop them talking.
As an afterthought, Maddy texted me and mentioned her family felt instantly familiar with me, like I was family too. Funny, I felt the same way. Perhaps it's because Maddy and I are so alike? Or maybe its because of the Gib-Gozo link? Is it that surnames start with a 'G'? Or that the island of our heritage do? Who knows. But it was nice to meet them just the same.