We set off from Toronto this afternoon, touring Niagara Falls - a marvel that leaves me in awe no matter how many times I visit - and stopping for lunch before reaching our final destination Niagara-on-the-Lake. The quaint town, situated in Canada's winery region, and home to the long-running Shaw Festival (although we didn't catch a show), offered the perfect respite from the usual Windsor routine and the bustle of Toronto. We made a pit stop at Inniskillin before heading into town for a bit of exploring and a lesson in Canadian geography (10 min debating whether it really was Toronto's skyline we could see in the distance across lake Ontario - as usual, Reno was correct, the answer was yes. I must have inherited my huge hippocampus from him).
Dinner was set at North America's oldest golf course, overlooking the lake as a proper thunderstorm rolled in, the lightning diffusing the frequent flash of our three cameras (Camera shy?! Galeas?! Never...), capturing the evening's antics. I celebrated 'Happy May' - mother's day and Judy's birthday at once - she loved the emerald green shades (success!) - in fact, we each gave them a whirl, and they even suited Reno. Versatile.
The local Kerner went down well, but I washed down dinner with a 'Kiss and Squeeze', a Canadian tradition of warm apple cobbler, topped with aged cheddar and maple cream on the side, while the family watched with curious interest, but without appetite. More for me.
The day culminated in a kiss and squeeze between us, before we turned in for a good night's rest.