The line-up for the night: Drinks, Comedy, Food.
Discouraged by the Line-Up at a riverfront pub, we head instead to nearby Vinopolis where we begin the evening with a cocktail - it's early enough for me to enjoy a dirty martini without the risk of spillage on my dress.
We moseyed on to a nearby venue for the next Line-Up for the evening - three comedians, the first an Afro-Londoner with a momma's boy appeal, the second a grungy local with a few too many punch lines, and the headliner a more classic story teller, who stole the show. A good few hours of entertainment.
Entertained, but hungry, we foraged nearby for a bite to eat. The only option was a good one - a tapas bar in Borough. The final Line-Up for the night: rock-salt garlic prawns in a chili aolio, honey glazed hot cheese, pork belly with quince, ham and cheese croquettes (French done Spanish style - interesting), and anchovies with olive tapenade over greens. The conversation-stopping food brought the evening to a perfect close; we trollied home contented, a weekend night out together, at last...