Saturday, May 8, 2010


Passing time at the airport, streaming intake of sugar in the form of sour gummy worms, while Judy sends out warnings of the impending ill effects of Reno's over-indulgence. 'Too much sugar. Spoil your dinner. Look at that belly. Diabetes!' In one ear and out the other. Being silly (gummy worms have that effect) as the week of family fun comes to a close.

A middle-aged man walks by, interjecting our photo shoot and clearly off a flight from Florida as he's sporting a crisp 'Orlando' souvenir t-shirt and is followed by a train of families with sun-kissed kids wearing MickeyMouse ear-shaped hats.

'Pardon me', he says. 'I didn't realise that y'all were taking a sexy photo'.

Sexy photo? We loosely interpret his use of the word 'Sexy'. The man ducks, barely tipping at the cervical spine, in a futile attempt to avert the lens. More a courtesy than a determined motion to avoid my mother taking a photo of his torso. Americans.

We contain our laughter long enough for him to move out of an audible range before breaking down and capturing the worm feast.

The last laughs made it especially hard to part and say goodbye.