Thursday, May 20, 2010


Dan prepped dinner for me this evening, just before his housemate Alex arrived with the ingredients for a Northern recipe he educated us both on. - sausage, onion, potato and bacon baked in a casserole. For the life of me, I can't remember what it's called. Let's call it filling, because that's how it looked.

Dan was wearing a pink t-shirt that matched my shoes. Hot pink. Suits him. He did the laundry around me, while I read the headlines online (Venter creates synthetic life form!). I got a lashing earlier for freezing his laptop (my magic touch...), then another for reading the news when I should have been paying him more attention (my own philosophy back to bite me in the bum).

Dan and Alex, along with Matt, are a domesticated trio, coordinating a weekly dinner rota, tending to their garden with some green-thumbed pride, fussing about patio furniture and admiring their lighting fixtures from time to time.

It is endearing, and worthwhile visiting just to be a female fly on the wall every now and again. A lesson in male domestic tendencies, humour and lingo.