Thursday, July 19, 2007


I’m not sure if this is the look of Trevor biting a snake, or if this is Trevor getting bit by one. Either way, he is about to sip the venomous combination of Strongbow and Guinness.

It was Pub Etiquette 101 this evening at Spicoli’s. Together, Trevor and Bernie introduced me to a variety of labels that are popular in the UK and also locally. I tasted a half-pint of Strongbow, a sweet, refreshing brew that brings my imagination back to Robin Hood country. It’s all in a name, right?

So I looked up the name Trevor, just out of curiosity. Several similar results turned up including, “homestead.” A homestead is, well, the place where one’s home is, and often describes a settlement used for farmland. How appropriate. Trevor loves to garden and along a run this afternoon, he and I confessed to being homebodies at heart. Nothing like a quiet evening spent cooking and reading.

Sounds like fun, but this afternoon Trevor and I exchanged our own independent plans to relocate – to pack up our present homesteads and go.

In my case, the departure is imminent. Although I’m not quite packed-up, I am set to go. In only two weeks I will leave my hometown with an open ended ticket to the land of Snakebites and bitters with lime.

For Trevor, a migration is undetermined. I think he might be happiest in an environment that allows him to be self-sustained, labouring to live off the fruits of the earth that he cultivates. Right now, he is considering in advance, an opportunity to venture westward with a close friend sometime next year.

How appropriate. The name Trevor is also defined as, “prudent.”